ThunderEgg  1.0.0
ThunderEgg::GMG Namespace Reference

Geometric-Multigrid classes. More...


class  Cycle
 Base abstract class for cycles. More...
class  CycleBuilder
 Builder for GMG cycles. More...
struct  CycleOpts
 Options for Cycle classes. More...
class  DirectInterpolator
 Directly places values from coarse cell into the corresponding fine cells. More...
class  FMGCycle
 Implementation of a full multigrid cycle. More...
class  InterLevelComm
 Facilitates communication between a finer domain and a coarser domain. More...
class  Interpolator
 Abstract class for interpolation operators. More...
class  Level
 Represents a level in geometric multi-grid. More...
class  LinearRestrictor
 Restrictor that averages the corresponding fine cells into each coarse cell. More...
class  MPIInterpolator
 Base class that makes the necessary mpi calls, derived classes only have to implement interpolatePatches() method. More...
class  MPIRestrictor
 Base class that makes the necessary mpi calls, derived classes only have to implement restrictPatches() method. More...
class  Restrictor
 Abstract class for restriction operators. More...
class  Smoother
 Abstract class for smoothing operators. More...
class  VCycle
 Implementation of a V-cycle. More...
class  WCycle
 Implementation of a W-cycle. More...

Detailed Description

Geometric-Multigrid classes.

This namespace contains three abstract needed classes for multigrid cycles. Cycle, for which there are implimentations for the V (VCycle), W (WCycle), and full multigrid (FMGCycle) cycles. Restrictor restricts from a finer level in the multigrid cycle to a coarser level. Interpolator interpolates from a finer level in the multigrid cycle to a coarse level.